Messages from exiles and visitors
In March 2021 we received a Facebook message from Michael Stroud in Australia telling us about his mother who lived in St Hilary. He said:
“A beautiful place St Hilary. My mam was born there and lived in the Wendy cottage and was also married in the church. She used to love walking around telling us stories of when she was there. She also worked in the Grange, all a long time ago. she was Cecilia Hopkin when she lived there."
This is a bit of a long shot! My friend and I have been trying to locate someone we were in school with and haven't seen for many years. Her name was Lynda Evans and her father kept The Bush Inn and then The Star in Troes. Would you know anyone who is still in contact with Lynda's sisters? The last time we saw Lynda was after she was married and living in The Forest of Dean. Unfortunately, we can't remember her married name!
Please contact us if you can help
I would like to wish the villagers a very happy and successful Right Royal Occasion for Friday 29th! I think it is a fabulous idea and great to bring back the village sprit. I have fond memories of St Hilary and of winning the village carnival in June 1977 (Silver Jubilee year) dressed as the Queen (I was only 10) and my aunt lent me her Corgi to finish off the outfit!
The Pope family lived in St Hilary for many generations and many now rest quietly in the churchyard. No doubt many will be thanking you for giving the village its heart back. St Hilary will always be "home" to me no matter where in world I am.
Best wishes
Jane Edwards (nee Pope), Papamoa Beach, Bay of Plenty, New Zealand
For many years I have been researching Santo Tomas Internment Camp, Manila and those civilians interned there by the Japanese from 1942 to 1945. One was Patricia Nora Crump who appears to have been there with no parents and was then aged around 15. Her UK address was given as "The Grange", St. Hilary, Cowbridge. I am wondering if anyone locally has any knowledge of her or her Family. I do hope you can find time to reply.
Kind Regards
Caroline, Mike and family would like to say a big thank you to all family and friends who attended Edith's funeral. A big thank you to Joan and Lorraine for the beautiful flowers in the church. Also a big thank you to the Rev David Boult for such a lovely service. And a very big thank you to Sandra and the St Hilary choir for the special song "We will gather lilacs in the spring again". And a big thank you to Andy and Liz for the wonderful food at the Bush Inn.
I just had to send this photo from your village. I was there on 3 September and will most definitely be back. You have the most beautiful place in the world, in my opinion, and I have been to a lot of places. A quintessential British village.
I adore Wales and will be back for Christmas and New Year.
The meal and service at the pub was superb.
Please, please don’t let anything change. You have a little slice of heaven right there.
Regards Vicki (Stace)
I used to live in St Hilary for much of my childhood life, with my parents Tony and Chris Ramsden, and my sister Stephanie living in the "New House".
I live in Estonia now(!), and saw the links that brought me to this website. Wonderful history and pictures, which definitely make me feel very emotional.
Greetings from Northern Europe!
James Ramsden
I am researching my family tree and I have managed to take one branch of my family, the Howes, back to the late 1600s. As far as I can see all the Howes in St Hilary at that time were related and I was wondering if anyone can offer any further information about this family or life in St Hilary at that time.
Mansel Jones
I have just been in St Hilary with my wife. Her family ran The Bush Inn in the 1960s and I loved the village. My father in law is buried here. His name is Mel Barnet, and he took part in the weightlifting competition at the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki. I hope to come back soon.
Best regards, Pedro Mateus
We bought Dan y Bryn next to the Bush from Mel Barnett in 1972. He had a bar built into the lounge but my mother had it taken out, much to my father's disappointment! Yes he was a world weightlifter as you say.
Jane Pope used to live where Mary and Ralph Thomas live now. Her mother used to work in the Flamingo Transport cafe, which is now Loch Fyne [2020: Bryn Owain] , and they used to drive a general store van around the village selling stuff. Jane worked in the back and her mother drove!
I have got great memories of the village from the 1970s. I was very lucky to grow up there!
All the best, Rob (Price)
Hi, my name is Lucy Griffin and I lived with my family at New Beaupre House from 1954 until 1967. I am trying to find my childhood friends who lived at Erw Vain house just outside the village. There were 4 daughters Wanda, Juliet, Michelle and Carey, believed to have moved to Buckinghamshire. They always had lots of animals. I would love to hear from them or anyone else that knew me. I still hold St Hilary in my heart and visit when am in Wales, hoping to find some old friends.
Debbie Piedmont is trying to find information about her relatives.