- is well connected and has a voice
can initiate and be involved in activities that support the community
In addition, the existence of the Forum means that:
- funds can be raised for the village generally or earmarked for specific purposes
everybody involved in community events and activities is insured
There is already lot of activity in the village which include events organised by the Village Hall Committee, the Church the Choir the Bush and charities, including the NSPCC.
However, there isn't anything in the village that takes a village-wide perspective. For example, the main purpose of the Village Hall Committee is to maintain the hall, the Church is serving the needs of the congregation and the charities are focussed on their causes. All that is great and also provides the opportunity for the village to come together.
But there is no one place where people can find out what's going on, air issues and concerns and put forward ideas for activities.
The aim of St Hilary Forum is to meet these needs.
The main activities supported directly and indirectly by the Forum have included:
- purchasing a village marquee through a grant from Glamorgan Voluntary Services
- purchasing a village event awning through support from Llanfair Community Council and Winter's Eve
- maintaining the village Christmas lights provided by Winter's Eve
- purchasing, installing and maintaining a village notice board through funding provided by the Foraging Markets
- leading a campaign to adopt the red telephone box
- leading a village consultation for the use of a donation of £1,500 from the BBC for the filming of Dr Who in the village
- facilitating the clearing of the Church wall and The Clump by providing insurance and equipment for 3Cs
- a newsletter
- litter picking by providing insurance for the walking group
- developing a calendar of village events and activities