16 May 2024
Caroline, Charlie, Heather, Kevin, Neil, Terry, Tim
Apologies: Liz
14 June 2023
Charlie, Heather, Kevin, Neil, Terry, Tim
by email: Caroline, Clare G, James, Liz
4 April 2022
Caroline, Charlie, Kevin, Liz, Terry, Tim
Apologies: Heather, Neil
Villagers: Pete, Vicky
Apologies: Ewa
1 2021 accounts approved
2 Cash and reserves
- General reserve         £312
- Newsletter                 £174
- Telephone box           £102
- Insurance                  £139
- Defibrillator                £141
- Bench                        £500
- Marquee/awning        £140
Total cash/reserves   £1,508
Tangible Forum Items
2 Marquee and awning and other equipment
- All now purchased and in use
3 Noticeboard
- Nothing to report

4 Telephone box
- Will require painting, probably in May
- Light needs repairing
5 Picnic table
- Now in place
- Plaque has been ordered
- Slabs will be laid in due course

Other reserves

6 Defibrillator
- Replacement adults pads will be needed in due course

7 Newsletter
- 2 issues published so far in 2022
- Fundraising will be required towards the end of the year

8 Insurance
- The reserve of £139 should be sufficient to cover the 2022 insurance premium

9 General reserve
- A small general reserve has been established

Other matters

10 Villager feedback
- No suggestions had been received from villagers

11 Next meeting
- To be arranged in the autumn