4pm Tuesday 25 September 2018
Present: Caroline, Charlie, Liz, Terry, Tim
Apologies: Helen
1 Winter’s Eve
- Terry outlined his broad ideas for the event and how he is engaging as many groups within the village, as possible
- Helen, Caroline (and others – TBC ) to help with children’s activities in the Roundhouse - about 1 hour
- Caroline to liaise with Coed Hills to see if there is potential for a child friendly performing activity - think juggling etc
- Helen and Charlie to plan making stickman for 7 yrs and under; paper-chains; ANO activity – possibly food related
- Caroline reported WI happy to contribute a donation to the event; some will also make cakes/mince pies and possibly attend
- WI donation to support decorations for the village hall
- Terry to do information/flyer for the next newsletter
2 Produce Market – CN outlined progress so far – help now required with:
- Tim: float (£1s and 50ps)
- Helen: (+2) helping
- Terry and Caroline will make soup, if required, and ask around the village for donations of cakes and help
- Caroline asked if all Forum leads could help with setting up and attendance- set up at 9:30 - helping 12- 3 pm
3 Newsletter and its funding
- Liz outlined costs and funding for 2018; ideas for new articles etc.
- Caroline and Liz to meet with CRC to release second half of the newsletter funding
- Liz thinks we have enough funding to produce the newsletter until at least March 2019
- Liz distributed timesheets for volunteering time associated with the production and distribution of newsletter – return to Liz
- Liz has been in contact with Colin White about future printing possibilities; costs for production and printing approx. £380 per annum
- All gave suggestions for ‘standing items’ for when news is light e.g. eggs/ walking guides/ green bus advert / activities of locals
4 Phone Box
- Ready for internal decoration and fixing in a backboard and new sign (£27)
- Tim to buy clear sealant and board from B&Q or similar
- Return to matter of how to use the space at our next meeting –Caroline
5 Traffic Update
- Terry explained that there has been long delays in getting responses from VoG but he is sending reminders and following up
- Still waiting for a response about the signage issues
6 Theatre
- a date and company has been established for delivering live theatre in the village hall – leads Liz and Caroline
- Liz and Andy (Bush) will do a pre-theatre dinner menu for either Thursday 31/01/19 or 7/02/19
- Liz an Caroline to meet and plan publicity, liaise with the theatre company and apply for Arts Wales funding
- 2 actors will need 1- 2 host houses for overnight accommodation
7 History Board
- Llansanor’s board is a good model for a history board. All felt this was a project for 2019 and perhaps be linked to the use of the telephone box
- Charlie suggested planting more bulbs in the village – site suggested – under/around the weeping willow type tree by the Village Hall
- Charlie and others will buy bulbs in next few weeks and 3Cs help with planting
9 Finance
- Tim explained that there was £420 in the bank
- Caroline asked for £27.50 for the telephone sign – agreed
- Discussion about monies that might be needed next year – insurance (approx £100) & newsletter costs
10 Next meeting
- Forum leads Tuesday 8th January 2019 4pm – Charlie to host
- Public meeting – February 2019
Present: Caroline, Charlie, Liz, Terry, Tim
Apologies: Helen
1 Winter’s Eve
- Terry outlined his broad ideas for the event and how he is engaging as many groups within the village, as possible
- Helen, Caroline (and others – TBC ) to help with children’s activities in the Roundhouse - about 1 hour
- Caroline to liaise with Coed Hills to see if there is potential for a child friendly performing activity - think juggling etc
- Helen and Charlie to plan making stickman for 7 yrs and under; paper-chains; ANO activity – possibly food related
- Caroline reported WI happy to contribute a donation to the event; some will also make cakes/mince pies and possibly attend
- WI donation to support decorations for the village hall
- Terry to do information/flyer for the next newsletter
2 Produce Market – CN outlined progress so far – help now required with:
- Tim: float (£1s and 50ps)
- Helen: (+2) helping
- Terry and Caroline will make soup, if required, and ask around the village for donations of cakes and help
- Caroline asked if all Forum leads could help with setting up and attendance- set up at 9:30 - helping 12- 3 pm
3 Newsletter and its funding
- Liz outlined costs and funding for 2018; ideas for new articles etc.
- Caroline and Liz to meet with CRC to release second half of the newsletter funding
- Liz thinks we have enough funding to produce the newsletter until at least March 2019
- Liz distributed timesheets for volunteering time associated with the production and distribution of newsletter – return to Liz
- Liz has been in contact with Colin White about future printing possibilities; costs for production and printing approx. £380 per annum
- All gave suggestions for ‘standing items’ for when news is light e.g. eggs/ walking guides/ green bus advert / activities of locals
4 Phone Box
- Ready for internal decoration and fixing in a backboard and new sign (£27)
- Tim to buy clear sealant and board from B&Q or similar
- Return to matter of how to use the space at our next meeting –Caroline
5 Traffic Update
- Terry explained that there has been long delays in getting responses from VoG but he is sending reminders and following up
- Still waiting for a response about the signage issues
6 Theatre
- a date and company has been established for delivering live theatre in the village hall – leads Liz and Caroline
- Liz and Andy (Bush) will do a pre-theatre dinner menu for either Thursday 31/01/19 or 7/02/19
- Liz an Caroline to meet and plan publicity, liaise with the theatre company and apply for Arts Wales funding
- 2 actors will need 1- 2 host houses for overnight accommodation
7 History Board
- Llansanor’s board is a good model for a history board. All felt this was a project for 2019 and perhaps be linked to the use of the telephone box
- Charlie suggested planting more bulbs in the village – site suggested – under/around the weeping willow type tree by the Village Hall
- Charlie and others will buy bulbs in next few weeks and 3Cs help with planting
9 Finance
- Tim explained that there was £420 in the bank
- Caroline asked for £27.50 for the telephone sign – agreed
- Discussion about monies that might be needed next year – insurance (approx £100) & newsletter costs
10 Next meeting
- Forum leads Tuesday 8th January 2019 4pm – Charlie to host
- Public meeting – February 2019
6pm Tuesday 5 June 2018
Present: Caroline, Charlie, Liz, Terry, Tim
Apologies: Helen
1 Village Bake Off And Family Fun Day - Fun and Games for all ages - Saturday 14 July
- Bake Off Competitions agreed as per Terry’s draft flyer.
- 2pm until 5.30pm available for other activities
- Pirates Party for the kids from 2pm
- Games on the Green from 3pm until 5 pm (Helen, Cheryl, Caroline to separately liaise and organise)
- Tug of War (weather permitting)
- Pony Rides if Simon able to arrange
- Invite St Johns Ambulance for first aid demonstrations (they have since confirmed)
- Community Engagement Tent
- Story Telling Tent for the kids
- Invite Coed Hills involvement eg ‘beat the blacksmith game’
- Seek some hay bales (Paul Llewellyn?)
- Teas and coffees to be available (agreed not wider catering)
- Seating/benches around the Village Green
- Traffic cones (ask John Davies if none stored away)
- Villagers photo (Tim)
- Flyer-poster - Terry.
- People resources - Liz to speak to Eva about teas and coffees
- General helpers/ volunteers - tba.
- Village grass cutting, await to see when Council do it then pre event cut tba.
- Face-painting for kids - to be looked into by the games team, possibly seek some help from Liz at The Bush.
A fuller plan and list of requirements and ‘who does what’ to be drawn up.
2 Trusted Traders
- Raised as a subject as the list of recommendations on the Village website has not been reviewed for some time.
- Agreed Charles would draw up a list of relevant trades and revert at future meeting.
- Suggested Village Facebook page could also be a reference point for villagers seeking recommendations/names for various trade work.
3 Telephone Box
- The Community Council has closed this matter down in their minutes so now up to Village Forum to liaise with BT on equipment removal and ongoing matters.
- Agreed (3) Perspex panels at say £20 each inscribed ‘Telephone’ could be bought now from village forum funds.
4 Village History Board
- Agreed that this was an interesting idea and to be further investigated.
5 Trees Policy
- In view of a wider lack of interest from the village community it was felt this would not be taken any further.
6 Traffic Issues In The Village
- Terry has submitted the agreed Report to the Highways Department at Vale Council - he will follow up as required.
- Any photos taken of traffic problems eg large vehicles following satnav going down narrow lanes in the village can be forwarded to Terry.
7 Theatre In The Village Hall
- Liz has spoken to Liz/Andy at The Bush and they are happy to lay on a set meal for this event - aiming for autumn if feasible or in the New Year - Liz progressing.
8 Village Logo
- Terry explained the outcome of the competition and this is now a closed subject.
9 Village Newsletter
- Agreed funding needs to be reviewed shortly - to be discussed after the Bake Off event.
10 Finance
- Tim advised £559 credit in the bank with 2 months of newsletter print bills to be paid c £75.
11 Next Meeting
- Thursday 5th July 2.30 pm
Present: Caroline, Charlie, Liz, Terry, Tim
Apologies: Helen
1 Village Bake Off And Family Fun Day - Fun and Games for all ages - Saturday 14 July
- Bake Off Competitions agreed as per Terry’s draft flyer.
- 2pm until 5.30pm available for other activities
- Pirates Party for the kids from 2pm
- Games on the Green from 3pm until 5 pm (Helen, Cheryl, Caroline to separately liaise and organise)
- Tug of War (weather permitting)
- Pony Rides if Simon able to arrange
- Invite St Johns Ambulance for first aid demonstrations (they have since confirmed)
- Community Engagement Tent
- Story Telling Tent for the kids
- Invite Coed Hills involvement eg ‘beat the blacksmith game’
- Seek some hay bales (Paul Llewellyn?)
- Teas and coffees to be available (agreed not wider catering)
- Seating/benches around the Village Green
- Traffic cones (ask John Davies if none stored away)
- Villagers photo (Tim)
- Flyer-poster - Terry.
- People resources - Liz to speak to Eva about teas and coffees
- General helpers/ volunteers - tba.
- Village grass cutting, await to see when Council do it then pre event cut tba.
- Face-painting for kids - to be looked into by the games team, possibly seek some help from Liz at The Bush.
A fuller plan and list of requirements and ‘who does what’ to be drawn up.
2 Trusted Traders
- Raised as a subject as the list of recommendations on the Village website has not been reviewed for some time.
- Agreed Charles would draw up a list of relevant trades and revert at future meeting.
- Suggested Village Facebook page could also be a reference point for villagers seeking recommendations/names for various trade work.
3 Telephone Box
- The Community Council has closed this matter down in their minutes so now up to Village Forum to liaise with BT on equipment removal and ongoing matters.
- Agreed (3) Perspex panels at say £20 each inscribed ‘Telephone’ could be bought now from village forum funds.
4 Village History Board
- Agreed that this was an interesting idea and to be further investigated.
5 Trees Policy
- In view of a wider lack of interest from the village community it was felt this would not be taken any further.
6 Traffic Issues In The Village
- Terry has submitted the agreed Report to the Highways Department at Vale Council - he will follow up as required.
- Any photos taken of traffic problems eg large vehicles following satnav going down narrow lanes in the village can be forwarded to Terry.
7 Theatre In The Village Hall
- Liz has spoken to Liz/Andy at The Bush and they are happy to lay on a set meal for this event - aiming for autumn if feasible or in the New Year - Liz progressing.
8 Village Logo
- Terry explained the outcome of the competition and this is now a closed subject.
9 Village Newsletter
- Agreed funding needs to be reviewed shortly - to be discussed after the Bake Off event.
10 Finance
- Tim advised £559 credit in the bank with 2 months of newsletter print bills to be paid c £75.
11 Next Meeting
- Thursday 5th July 2.30 pm
7.30pm, Wednesday 7 March 2018
Caroline Neudegg, Charlie Bithell, Liz Loch, Terry Dennis, Tim Neudegg
Apologies: Helen Bithell
1. Telephone box update (Lead – Caroline)
• BT has agreed in principle for the Community Council to adopt the phone box
• It will take some time for BT to decommission the phone because of the demand for adoption across the country
• An initial survey of the box will be undertaken on Monday 19 March to assess what work is required (Caroline & Charlie & ANO)
• The use of the box will be subject to a re-survey with an appreciation of the desire of residents, expressed at the first Forum Public Meeting, for information
• A date for painting will be set when the survey has been completed
2. Stronger Communities CRC meeting: 26 April (Lead – Liz)
• Liz and Charlie and possibly ANO to attend
3. Village logo (Lead – Terry)
• A combination of the three logo winners to be considered
4. Village tree strategy (Lead – Terry)
• Terry to draft a notice to be sent out on social media inviting people who are interested in being involved to register their interest
• An initial informal meeting will then be held with a view to holding a launch event which could feature external speakers and experts
5. Speeding and other traffic problems (Lead – Terry)
• Terry to draft a notice to be sent out on social media asking for residents to send him their concerns about traffic, signage and roads
• The concerns will be collated and then shared initially with the Community Council to action
6. Theatre in the Hall (Lead – Liz)
• A paper was tabled by Liz about how a theatre event could be held in the hall
• A production in early autumn was agreed in principle
7. Plant sale (Lead – Liz)
• Potential low key / informal sale around 2/3 June
8. Bake Off: 14 July (Bake Off Lead – Terry / Children's Activities Lead – Caroline)
• Theme: The Sea
• Liz is linking with CRC for resources eg goal posts
• Caroline has reserved a marquee
• Will link with the Bush for karaoke etc
• Need to try to ensure that the event breaks even
9. Finance (Lead – Tim)
• £596 in the bank
• £356 free funds
• £240 for the newsletter funded by CRC
10. Minutes
• Agreed that minutes will be put on the St Hilary website, when agreed
11. Next meeting
• 6pm, Tuesday 5 June
Caroline Neudegg, Charlie Bithell, Liz Loch, Terry Dennis, Tim Neudegg
Apologies: Helen Bithell
1. Telephone box update (Lead – Caroline)
• BT has agreed in principle for the Community Council to adopt the phone box
• It will take some time for BT to decommission the phone because of the demand for adoption across the country
• An initial survey of the box will be undertaken on Monday 19 March to assess what work is required (Caroline & Charlie & ANO)
• The use of the box will be subject to a re-survey with an appreciation of the desire of residents, expressed at the first Forum Public Meeting, for information
• A date for painting will be set when the survey has been completed
2. Stronger Communities CRC meeting: 26 April (Lead – Liz)
• Liz and Charlie and possibly ANO to attend
3. Village logo (Lead – Terry)
• A combination of the three logo winners to be considered
4. Village tree strategy (Lead – Terry)
• Terry to draft a notice to be sent out on social media inviting people who are interested in being involved to register their interest
• An initial informal meeting will then be held with a view to holding a launch event which could feature external speakers and experts
5. Speeding and other traffic problems (Lead – Terry)
• Terry to draft a notice to be sent out on social media asking for residents to send him their concerns about traffic, signage and roads
• The concerns will be collated and then shared initially with the Community Council to action
6. Theatre in the Hall (Lead – Liz)
• A paper was tabled by Liz about how a theatre event could be held in the hall
• A production in early autumn was agreed in principle
7. Plant sale (Lead – Liz)
• Potential low key / informal sale around 2/3 June
8. Bake Off: 14 July (Bake Off Lead – Terry / Children's Activities Lead – Caroline)
• Theme: The Sea
• Liz is linking with CRC for resources eg goal posts
• Caroline has reserved a marquee
• Will link with the Bush for karaoke etc
• Need to try to ensure that the event breaks even
9. Finance (Lead – Tim)
• £596 in the bank
• £356 free funds
• £240 for the newsletter funded by CRC
10. Minutes
• Agreed that minutes will be put on the St Hilary website, when agreed
11. Next meeting
• 6pm, Tuesday 5 June